Helping to Create a Hate Free Community!
On November 16, 2021, the International Day for Tolerance, Grace Place launched the Safer Communities Project—an initiative made possible through the Safer & Vital Communities Provincial Grant: Preventing Hate Motivated Crime Through Community Collaboration.
Leading up to the official project launch, a few pilot sessions were conducted to inform future plans and implementation. Grace Place developed and delivered a series of awareness sessions in preventing discrimination and hate in all forms. These sessions were held from Sep 2021 till March 2023.
Community involvement and participation in this project helped bring us one step closer in creating a #hatefreecommunity
Grace Place works in collaboration with individuals, community partners and agencies. The idea of contributing to help make a safer and vital community is at the heart of all our efforts. We are passionate about building awareness, creating understanding, bridging gaps within communities, fostering virtues of tolerance, acceptance, and compassion, and preventing discrimination and hate in all forms.
No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”
—Nelson Mandela
This project was made possible by a Safer & Vital Communities grant.

This resource contains contact information to various agencies and organizations that offer detailed information, supports, and services to public, especially, victims of hate, hate-incidents and hate crimes.
Click the tab below to view the resource.
The tiles in the photograph above were painted by Grace Seniors on the theme of "Helping create a hate free community" on Feb 8, 2023.
The tiles in the photograph above were painted by Grace Children and Youth on the theme of "Helping create a hate free community" on Feb 8, 2023.